Why the soul deserves precise language

Instead, the phrase “it upsets me” in the sense of “it upsets me” has become a part of everyday language: “Whatever feelings of frustration or irritation arise should be labeled as such.”

Instead of talking about a trigger, you can simply talk about memories – “They can be beautiful but also painful.”

Careless use of psychological terms

This word is now almost everywhere “Shock”. Hyde advises against using these terms to give meaning to the experiences that form in one's autobiography. “Not every trauma in life is a trauma. Many experiences can be tragic or dramatic, a broken heart, loss of a loved one, failure. Such crises can tear the ground from under your feet and have a long-term effect. But they don't have to be traumatic.”

Where does the trend come from? Pop Psychology, the ordinary use of such terms is often called, indeed? Psychologist Hyde traces the phenomenon's roots to an increased awareness of “the fact that psychological as well as physical suffering exists.” Mental health is being talked about a lot now – not least because of the mentally taxing corona pandemic – but “welcome”. Prominent figures are also finding open words about their crises. “It contributes Destigmatization psychological problems.”

Hyde criticizes the fact that transgression of these constraints also produces strange results. “If one slips into a low mood, is temporarily not so happy or indifferent, then he talks about it… 'depression' It minimizes the symptoms that people with depression suffer from. This is Minimization Justice is not given to the victims.

Severe suffering is trivial

It is dangerous when diagnosed Depreciation Others are abused. Words like “Schizo” As a flipping expression Youth Talk The arrival was problematic, says Hyde. “When such disruptive words are used to exclude others because of abnormal or misbehavior, a red line is crossed.” at one o'clock Schizophrenia It is a serious mental illness, great suffering. “At the same time, someone acting selfish may not be particularly likable or hurtful, but that doesn't mean they are. Narcissist. Our everyday language should be more precise here.” In fact, the percentage of people with narcissistic personality disorder is in the single digits. Strong self-confidence or ego comes under personality traits such as sociability, elegance, shyness or intelligence. “We all possess these traits in one form or another.”

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Even with diagnosis ADHD The internet is very arbitrary. Concentration problems, a certain level of sleepiness or forgetfulness are often enough to portray oneself as an alleged sufferer. “There is an extensive need for this Experiment“In order to diagnose ADHD,” cautions Haidt, who advocates education Pathologizing Certain personality traits are viewed with suspicion. “This has far-reaching implications and puts parents of bright children under undue pressure.” Haidt, an academic scientist, finds it ironic that ADHD has become a buzzword on social media: “Excessive screen time has been scientifically proven to promote restlessness and constant excitement.”

The mental illness with Appropriate language According to Hyde, it's certainly worth experiencing: “We can feel grief, pain, frustration, and despair—and it's worth consciously naming these emotions as such.”

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