The atmosphere protects against mass extinction in the event of a nearby supernova

According to geological evidence on Earth, a supernova occurs once every million years within a radius…

Mattia Saccagni fired Italy into the round of 16 in the last minute

The Round of 16 of the 2024 European Championship will take place against Italy in Switzerland…


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New in Economic Group (PK0706/06/24/2024) | Austrian Parliament

Vienna (PK) – The “AWG amendment for digitization” of the Waste Management Act (2561 dB), among…

Netanyahu: Announcement on Next Action in Gaza

Netanyahu told friendly private broadcaster Channel 14 on Sunday evening that “the intense fighting against Hamas…

Russia and Ukraine are reporting dead after the attack

At least one person was killed and a dozen wounded as a result of Russian shelling…

Support for filmmakers with disabilities – Austrian Council for the Disabled

The nonprofit Inevitable Foundation launched the Visionary Fellowship program, supported exclusively by the Netflix Fund for…

All three vaccines reduce the risk of stroke and Alzheimer’s disease

Fuldaer Zeitung Consultant to stand: June 22, 2024, 6:45 pm Air: Carmen Morwald Various vaccines have…

All three vaccines reduce the risk of stroke and Alzheimer’s disease

Fuldaer Zeitung Consultant to stand: June 22, 2024, 6:45 pm Air: Carmen Morwald Various vaccines have…

“End of Hope” for Poland

Am Freitag, dem achten Tag der Fußball-Europameisterschaft, kommt es bei Frankreich und den Niederlanden zu einer…