Former General Manager ORF, Tatas “Teddy” Podkorsky, passed away. He passed away on Saturday night at the age of 88. The Viennese journalist and writer, actor and director was a colorful figure in the local media and cultural scene. He designed it ORF Along with many projects he invented or made possible. These include “Time in the Picture”, “Federal State Today”, “Seidenblick” or ethnographic programs and “Universum”. That too 3 Sat– Devotion returns to him.
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Away from ORF Podgorsky faced an operetta “Frog” and Josefstadt as a director. ORFCEO Roland Weißmann praised Podkorski as “a tireless source of inspiration and ideas.”
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Judas Thaddäus Podgorski was born on July 19, 1935 in Vienna, the son of a car mechanic. After graduating from Edmond Stifts Gymnasium, he studied in Vienna and tried his hand at various theater stages. In 1953 he started as a news anchor and reporter for the Austrian-American broadcaster Rot-Weiß-Rot, doing pioneering work.
In 1955 he moved to the newly established current service ORF-Suffered his first (brief) eviction due to television and subsequently a documentary critical of Shaw. Nevertheless, he soon became a senior editor at “Zeit im Bild”. Podkorski was able to speak grandly about proportional radio at the time. “When I was inside ORF When I started, red and black were like the Egyptian priesthood. They are untouchables,” he once told the Courier in an interview. He joked that “every red cleaning lady should be paired with a black one” and “the press on their knees”.
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He was promoted to Chief Correspondent
In 1967 he was appointed then ORF-General Director Gerd Bacher promoted to Chief Correspondent. And he soon lost his job again – because the final sentence of a report on the different worlds in Salzburg during the festival in the late 1960s: “The hippies smoke their joints and the citizens sit in the theater.”
Then Bacher said: “I don't need Bert Brecht in the current service.” “I became the first white elephant at work,” he said, as eviction was unlikely. ORF“Bodkorsky said. Because he was bored, he invented “Panorama”, “Jolly Joker” and “Sceneseed”.
In 1972, the amateur boxer, racing driver and aspiring pilot became a TV sports director and designed programs such as “Sportpanorama”.
Art series
In between, his artistic streak came to the fore again and again, for example as an actor in the role of Gestapo agent Falzner in “The Poker” or as an author in his three publications “Muhammad Ali”, “Muscles on Paper”. Olympic Book “Innsbruck and Montreal”.
In 1986, Podgorski, who was not a party member, became general manager. He applied for “sports reasons” against Bacher who prevented him from becoming director of FS1, thereby alienating the SPÖ government. Podgorski brought in Gerhard Zieler, Fred Sinovac's spokesman, as general secretary. ORF — The beginning of his worldly life. However, Podkorski was marred by the Lukona affair, as he allowed himself to become “very carelessly” involved in the CUM association, headed by Udo Brocksch.
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In 1990, Bacher again left the father of three sons ORF– Tip. As director general, he explained that many of the ideas he expressed did not come to fruition, “because I don't really care whether I get re-elected or not.”
Sunday: The station changes its schedule in memory: Sunday opens at 4 p.m ORF2 To see the TV portrait “The Teddy – A TV Legend”: Podgorski goes to places that fit his life. At the same time, from 2020 Ö1 broadcasts a version of the “Audio Pictures” series entitled “Potkorsky – An Approach” by Gunter Kindlsdorfer.
long night: ORF III He honored Podkorsky with a “Culture Today Special” on Monday at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday at 9:55 p.m. will show the documentary “The Teddy,” followed by “Long Night in Memoriam Teddy Podkorski,” along with versions of the cult series “Seinerzeit” and “Jolly Joker.” “.
Awarded many times
He joined later Hello TV At. Since 2010 “In Conversation with Teddy Podkorski” has been excellently recreated the atmosphere of his famous restaurant Goodrup. He then became increasingly disillusioned with television. It is “petrified, obsolete”.
Podkorski has received numerous awards for his achievements, including the Golden Camera, Romi and Bambi. He also received the Grand Decoration of the Republic.