ORF organizes “Long Night of Museums” next Saturday, starting at 6 p.m.
Night owls can enjoy until midnight Saturday, October 5Around the local museums. Open from 6pm to midnight everywhere. 37 households across Burgenland are participating, including:
- Museum of Agricultural Technology in St. Michael’s
- Open Air Museum in Gerersdorf
- The Emigrant and Joseph Reichl Museum in Gussing
- Cultural initiative “Hocheck 2” in Ollersdorf.
Museum of Agricultural Technology
The Museum of Agricultural Technology in St. Michael’s With its old farm machinery and equipment, visitors can see everyday working life in the agricultural past. 2,000 horsepower and 2,000 exhibits await in the 2,700 m² exhibition space.
From 7pm to 10pm, kids can watch the flashlight and learn about the “Kids Police Department” and “Kids Fire Department.” Special exhibitions “100 Years of Radio in Austria” and “History of Railways in South Burgenland” are currently running in the museum. At 6:30 p.m., children from Newberg Elementary School sing. Followed by St. Michael Melodal at 7pm. “Michöler Kräuterfrauen” offers products from their gardens.
Open Air Museum
The Open Air Museum in Gerersdorf Makes Saturday an adventurous evening. Candles lit in historic buildings enchant the museum village with its historic houses, farm buildings and workshops.
At the Old Forge, Franz Jost and his friends will demonstrate blacksmithing from 6pm to 8pm. The free night tour starts at 8:15 pm. In the children’s show until 8 p.m., little ones can make ceramics by Brigitte Dietrich or swap small wooden objects at Edgar Giant.
Immigrants and the Joseph Reichl Museum
The old Hofmühle on Stremtalstrasse in Güssing houses two cultural institutions: Aswanderer Museum and a museum about local dialect poet Joseph Reichel.
Burgenland immigration to America is documented through many artifacts, display boards, photographs, and images. In “Long Night” you can understand the life of immigrants using personal travel characters or everyday objects.
The Joseph Reichl Museum Displays exhibits about Reichel, who described the fate of frontier dwellers in his works. Other Burgenland dialect poets are also taken into account.
“Hosek 2”
The address is part of Long Night for the first time “Hocheck 2” in OllersdorfA new meeting place for architecture, art and literature. On October 5, the focus is on building culture for children and youth, especially the traditional Burgenland Streckhof, which is the subject of an exhibition.
There are two workshops for nine to 14-year-olds from 6pm to 9pm and with painters Carola Hesse and Friedrich Schnalzer. Children create pictures of special buildings. The number of participants is limited. Register at office@wortweit-verlag.at. Adults can also participate.
Initiative tes ORF
From “The Long Night of Museums”. ORF Announced throughout Austria. This is the 24th time that museums and galleries open their doors at midnight.
The entrance ticket, 17 euros (regular) or 14 euros (reduced), is valid for all 37 participating houses. Regional tickets cost 6 euros and entitle you to visit regional museums. Admission is free for children up to twelve years of age. Tickets can be purchased in advance at tickets.ORF.at until September 29 and at all participating locations.
All information about cultural campaign is available online langenacht.orf.at.
Last year’s “Long Night”:
A long night of museums in the Güssing district