
Airlift: US first aid packages dropped on Gaza

The airdrops were carried out using three C-130 transport planes, according to two US officials who…

For star director Friars, Vienna was the most beautiful shooting location

Stephen Frears knows how to get around the palace intrigue. The 82-year-old Brit starred in 1988's…

“Eventually, nations must give in.”

Vice-Chancellor Werner Koegler strongly criticized the states' decision to abandon the government's 2.5 hectare target for…

John Marsalek is said to have headed the Russian intelligence unit in Vienna

The former Wireguard boss allegedly spied on Krysto Krochev, a key Kremlin journalist, in Vienna along…

Can a state real estate company make more profit? The…

The Court of Auditors has been critical of the Federal Real Estate Agency – among others…

Boy in the dog box: Trial ends with two guilty verdicts

After deliberating for more than seven hours, the jury reached a verdict late Thursday evening: finding…

Soil Strategy: State Decision No Decision for Green

Upper Austria's regional planning councilor Markus Achleitner (ÖVP) invited all sectoral colleagues from the federal states…

Federal Law on Higher Vocational Education

Further development and expansion of electronic reporting procedures should be encouraged. Publication in Central Gazette: December…

Apple Vision Pro: 200,000 sold and $700 million in revenue

February 29, 2024 Apple Vision Pro: Revolutionary mixed reality headset draws testers, but high price draws…

ÖVP attacks Kurz-Richter for “bias”.

Finally, one of the two matters on which Radasztics was disciplined was already an issue on…