By Birgit Caesar
Where Chilena? This question is now worrying not only the parents of the 13-year-old girl, but also the Vienna police.
The girl from Vienna has been missing for two weeks. In this case, the police also released a photo of a person they allegedly traveled with.
On May 13, Silena left her school around 5 pm Lying, and never returned home. Before disappearing, she reportedly claimed it was from her boyfriend Maximum picked up and he will continue to look after her.
Who this Max is is not finally known. However, his photograph has been preserved.
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Cilina’s personal description:
- girl
- About 170 cm
- Slim height
- Long brown hair
- Green-brown eyes
- Wears braces
- On May 13, 2024, she was wearing a white tank top, a black Adidas jacket, white sweatpants, and a large black sports bag.
The unknown (maximum) is described as follows:
- Masculine
- About 170 cm
- obesity
- Slightly longer light hair
- Brown eyes
- Speaks German
- May 13, 2024 Wearing light jeans and a light t-shirt
According to Cilina’s reports, Max is said to be 17 years old, although his actual age is unknown to investigators. Estimated to be around 20 years old.
01/31310/99 69810 or 69221 with information about Silena or wanted Max.
Also absent in Styria
A 13-year-old boy is currently missing in Styria. Ilvy Kos from Rosental an der Kainach was last seen on Friday around 3:30 p.m.
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Ilvi has brown hair and is 160 to 165 cm tall. She was wearing it when she disappeared
- gray clothes,
- A white Adidas t-shirt
- Handbag, white with colorful flowers
- Braces
Information about the whereabouts of the 13-year-old girl can be reported at any police station.