City-Space-World-What? – “I am the city”: Wolkersdorf children made their own movie

Filmed with the band “Donato” at the Volkersdorfer Platz der Generations.

Outback Volkersdorf

WWhat does public space actually look like from the perspective of young people in Wolkersdorf? See it on Friday at the summer cinema in Volkersdorf.

Recently a special project was developed in Wolkersdorf: a short film was produced in cooperation with Outback Wolkersdorf (and the youth centers KOMET Traiskirchen and JOT Traismauer), among others, which will be presented in part to the general public next week. Summer cinema. The project series shows public space from the perspective of young people and “City-space-world-what?” is called The related short film is called “I am the city – I was and I will be”.

The following questions were asked: What role does public space play for young people in Wolkersdorf, how is it used and how could it be used differently? The shooting lasted three days and took place on Volkersdorf’s “Platz der Generations” between the high school and the old people’s home. The scenes for the short film were created in a workshop attended by children, teenagers and young adults.

Expert support

Filmmaker Lot Schreiber assisted them on behalf of “Art in Public Spaces Lower Austria”. Lotte Schreiber is not only a filmmaker, she is also a film writer and artist, and with her expertise has been able to provide excellent support to children.

Topics for the program range from “Plant Excursion” to “TONADO PLAYS”. A local band even wrote their own song, which was performed for the first time. What is most interesting about this project is that the youth have done all the work from shooting to editing to editing.

Anyone who wants to see the film will have the opportunity to see it at the Wolkersdorf Summer Cinema on Youth Day, Friday, August 23.

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