At least ten people were killed when rockets hit the Golan Heights

At least ten people are said to have died after rockets hit the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

At least ten people were killed in a rocket attack on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The victims were children and teenagers, according to Israeli media and a high-ranking employee of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. A football field in the village of Majdal al-Shams was hit. The Israeli military had earlier reported Hezbollah’s rocket attack. Shia militias immediately refused to get involved.

According to the Israeli military, Hezbollah fired about 40 rockets into the Golan Heights from Lebanon. At least one rocket hit Majdal al-Shams, the military said. Israeli media said it was the worst incident since fighting between Israel and Hezbollah in October. Due to this, there is a fear that a huge forest fire will break out in the area.

“There is no doubt that Hezbollah has crossed all the red lines,” he told Channel 12 television.There will be more, the chief diplomat warned.

Hezbollah has said in a statement that it has nothing to do with the incident. Allegations of assaulting Majdal al-Shams are categorically denied.

Golan Heights is the point of conflict

The Golan Heights is a strategically important rocky plateau approximately 60 kilometers long and 25 kilometers wide. The plateau was captured by Israel in 1967 and annexed in 1981. But it is not recognized internationally. Under international law, these areas are considered Israeli-occupied territory in Syria.

It is mainly the Druze who live in the village that have been attacked now. The Arabic-speaking religious community evolved from Shiite Islam in the 11th century and is now primarily located in Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan.

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The Israeli armed forces and Hezbollah have been fighting almost daily since the Gaza war began. Recently the intensity has increased significantly. There have already been casualties on both sides. Hezbollah says it is working in solidarity with Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip. There have long been fears that the conflict could spread.

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