Appointed members of the Styrian Culture Board – State of Styria

GRASS (December 27, 2023).- On December 21, 2023, the Styrian State Government unanimously appointed the Board of Cultural Trustees for the period of operation from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026, at the request of the Culture Officer Governor Christopher Drexler. The newly appointed 15-member committee will hold its constituent meeting in early January 2024. At this meeting, the Board of Trustees shall elect a Board of Directors from among its members for a term of office.

Governor Christopher Drexleyr: “Styria has an artistically diverse culture, which we take into account by appointing the Board of Trustees. The Board of Culture is an essential partner for the State of Styria in the further development of the cultural policy of our country. That is why we were able to appoint significant personalities representing the diverse Styrian cultural landscape to this responsible function in the coming period. I am glad that.

Councilor of State Ursula Lockner: “The new board of trustees reflects the diversity of the Styrian cultural scene, for which our country has always been known. I would like to thank the outgoing and new members for their commitment to the further development of art and culture in Styria.

Members of the Board of Cultural Trustees for the term January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026:

  • Eng. Johann Baumgartner
  • Mag.a Edith Draxl
  • Patrick Dunst, p. species. MA MMus
  • Mac. Wilhelm “Willy” Caballero
  • Robert Hafner, MA
  • Gernot Hauswirth, M.A
  • Mag.a Eva Heizmann, MA
  • Michaela Leutzendorff-Pakesch
  • Mac. Michael Mehsner
  • Rene Molnar
  • Marcus Morth
  • Dr. Michael Nemeth
  • DIin Gunilla Plank
  • Jacob Rattinger
  • Werner Schweiger

Styrian Cultural Board:
According to the Styrian Culture and Arts Development Act, the Cultural Committee of Trustees must consist of fifteen suitable persons working in the field of culture, for the specialized areas of funding (fine arts, new media and architecture, performing arts, film, literature, music, musical theater and sound art, general folk culture). . , museums, monuments conservation and cultural assets). The members of the Cultural Board are appointed by the State Government for a term of three years, with one re-appointment possible.

The Cultural Board deals with around 1,000 cultural funding applications each year. The Committee evaluates these from a technical perspective and submits proposals for allocation of funds to the State Government. In addition to these decision-making recommendations, the Board of Trustees, among others, develops proposals with cultural policy and artistic objectives and issues statements on fundamental questions of cultural and artistic policy.

By resolution of the Styrian State Government on December 17, 2020, the current members of the Board of Culture were appointed, whose terms now expire on December 31, 2023.

Cross, December 27, 2023

See also  FM4 charts from January 20, 2024

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