Top NewsThe right-wing government in the Netherlands is putting together a tougher asylum...

The right-wing government in the Netherlands is putting together a tougher asylum package

The Netherlands is moving towards significantly tightening asylum laws, and plans to tighten border controls in November.

However, the asylum emergency promoted by far-right populist Geert Wilder was not declared. Wilders made the announcement on the X platform on Wednesday evening. The heads of the four government units in The Hague had previously commented positively on the package. It avoids government crisis.

Government partners have argued for months over tightening asylum laws. Wilders wanted to declare a state of emergency to impose draconian measures without parliamentary approval. This was opposed by his partners as there was no legal basis for the state of emergency

Asylum status is only valid for a maximum of three years for the measures provided. The coalition wants to send back Syrian refugees and declare at least parts of Syria safe. Recognized refugees should have fewer rights to resist procedures and no longer have a right to housing.

A central goal of the right-wing coalition is to tighten asylum laws. About a year ago, Wilders’ far-right Party for Freedom (PVV) won parliamentary elections. His BVV has now been in power for a good three months along with the right-wing liberal VVT, the center party NSC and the right-wing populist farmers’ party PPP.

The number of asylum seekers is stable at around 40,000 per year. However, the Netherlands has had major problems accommodating people over the years. Experts and officials cite austerity measures and a general housing shortage as reasons.

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