Top NewsGreen or yellow-brown bananas? What level of maturity is healthy?

Green or yellow-brown bananas? What level of maturity is healthy?

  1. Fuldaer Zeitung
  2. Consultant

Excess belly fat is harmful to health. Eating bananas can help you get rid of those pesky fat deposits. But there is one thing to keep in mind while eating fruits.

Fulda – the annoying topic of belly fat – getting rid of the fat deposits in your belly is often not as easy as you would like. According to Robert Koch Company (RKI) Significantly increased abdominal circumference – a strong indication of excessive intra-abdominal fat.

The so-called visceral fat that sits in the abdominal cavity stimulates chronic inflammation and affects the immune system. reports With reference to the German Obesity Society (DAG). In addition, the risk of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and severe covid-19 courses is increased by increased abdominal fat.

Eating bananas and reducing belly fat – you should keep this in mind

If the body has excess belly fat over the years, hormones are produced that can trigger inflammatory processes. Belly fat also leads to indigestion and high blood pressure. The game will help against the irritating cushion.

But it’s not just exercise, it’s also important to eat a healthy, low-calorie diet with lots of vegetables and fruits. Avoiding alcohol can help you lose more belly fat in less time. If you want to get rid of belly fat, you need a healthy and balanced gut flora.

So one can The popular fruit (consumed in moderation) melts away belly fat – Although it’s a high-calorie fruit: the banana. The prebiotic fiber in bananas promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut. This results in improved digestion and optimal absorption of nutrients – both of which are beneficial for weight loss.

100 grams of banana contains an average of 88 to 95 calories, 22.8 grams of carbohydrates (including 17.2 grams of sugar), 2.0 grams of fiber, 1.1 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat and vitamin C and vitamin B6 and minerals. Potassium and magnesium, which increase metabolism.

Expert advice: Lose belly fat with “good” carbs

As a team of researchers led by Kaley Sawicki from Tufts University in Boston, USA found, you absolutely need to avoid carbohydrates to lose belly fat. But you need to make sure you’re eating “good carbs” — not “bad carbs.”

Bad carbohydrates – also called simple carbohydrates – are found in processed foods, including white flour and white sugar. Good carbohydrates—also called complex carbohydrates—are found in natural, unprocessed foods like bananas.

Those who dispose of banana peels in nature will be punished.
Bananas are high in calories – and even more effective for losing belly fat. © Danny Gohlke/dpa

Because of their complex structure, good carbohydrates are digested slowly. This leads to more stable blood sugar and provides energy for longer periods of time. Bananas make you feel full and eating them curbs hunger to some extent. In short: Nutrients provide energy. At the same time, a sense of satisfaction is promoted.

In general, a balanced diet is very important for achieving a healthy body weight. And while eating bananas, there is one more thing that you should keep in mind while eating fruits to reduce belly fat. Bananas should not be overripe, but rather green and firm.

If bananas are still soft, yellow and green with black spots (fully ripe) and firm, they contain more resistant starch that lowers blood sugar levels. Resistant starch stimulates fat burning. It curbs hunger.

Expert suggests: Consume acidity-controlling bananas like almonds

Compared to yellow bananas, green bananas in the early stage of ripening are especially rich in fiber. These stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. Intestinal flora is strengthened. Bananas that are still unripe are high in potassium – good for muscles.

Another tip: British nutritionist. Dr. Daryl Geoffre recommends eating bananas along with almonds, coconut butter and coconut oil, chia seeds, hemp, flax seeds, cinnamon and turmeric. These are good acidity regulators. When the sugary banana is digested, acids are produced that are harmful to the body.

Bananas are a good tip, especially before exercise, which is very important to lose belly fat. They provide good carbohydrates that are quickly converted into energy and provide important nutrients to the muscles. Plus, bananas aren’t heavy on the stomach — and are delicious.

Read more articles in our health guide section. This post contains general health information and is not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medicine. It does not replace a doctor’s visit in any way. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer personal questions about medical conditions.

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