Top News58. Vienna Municipal Council (14) | City of Vienna

58. Vienna Municipal Council (14) | City of Vienna

At the start of the main debate, the ÖVP and the FPÖ submitted a motion of no confidence against the current city councilor for Social Affairs, Health and Sports Peter Hacker (SPÖ), which was discussed at the end of the agenda.

StR Dominik Neb, MA (FPÖ) thanked the ÖVP MPs for making this no-confidence motion possible. Because “many people in Vienna” are dissatisfied with City Councilor Hacker’s policies. Kneb justified the no-confidence motion with a list of the city council’s misbehavior: “No matter where you look in the field, the city of Vienna continues to be a “magnet for social asylum seekers”. Its payments and application information on social benefits are not verified. A large Syrian family in Vienna who received a net support of 4,600 euros was known in the media: “Mr. City council, in your first reaction. How can you explain this situation to the people who are entitled to supplementary protection. The health system is on the verge of “failure”. , medical staff would complain about staff shortages, meaning 700 to 800 hospital beds would remain empty in Vienna, Kneb said. . Knepp said that in the financial part of the Vienna Social Fund, “luxury apartments for asylum seekers” will be allocated. In contrast, the living conditions of many people in social housing are filled with mold and drafts. Neb did not see that “asylum seekers are being offered apartments with balconies or gardens, while others who have worked in Vienna for years cannot afford these apartments.” Councilor Hacker thus departed from fairness and justice, Neb concluded.

GR Mag (FH) Jörg Konrad (NEOS) identified the real reason for introducing a motion of no confidence in the upcoming National Council elections in four days. This “powerful instrument of the opposition” does not require justification, but it is not enough to justify the behavior of the city council, which is why Konrad will reject the application. The case of the Syrian family of nine may give an impression of a situation that needs to be rectified through reforms. This requires a reform of the Austrian social system with precise social assistance legislation across Austria. Konrad demanded the same for the incoming federal government.

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GR David Ellensohn (GREEN) said after this explanatory speech by city councilor Knepp that he did not understand that “there are still people in the ÖVP who want to form an alliance with this FPÖ”. Of course, City Councilor Hacker’s business team has points of criticism, for example in the health sector or the time City Councilor Hacker takes to answer questions. Ellenson would not support the no-confidence motion, citing City Councilor Hacker’s conduct as insufficient to justify such support. A motion by the ÖVP called for a reduction in the needs-based minimum income, which Allanzön criticized. “If anyone in this jealous debate believes that the gap between wages is too small, it is better to improve the level of wages,” demanded Ellenson.

StR Karl Mahrer (ÖVP) said in Vienna that “excessive social benefits” could lead to dangerous consequences. Because help for some never leads to denigration of others, Mahrer quoted from a newspaper. This can be seen in the 9,400 beneficiaries of supplementary protection in Vienna, which is 82 percent of those entitled to supplementary protection in the whole of Austria. In addition, two-thirds of minimum security recipients are located in Vienna. Mahrer asks why this situation exists: “In my opinion, it is due to the excessive social benefits of the city and the ever-stronger communities. You are responsible for that, City Councilor Hacker. The Vienna government is promoting a system that is hostile to efficiency and ultimately leads to more crime. More and more – especially the field You see displaced youths – driven into crime. In addition, it is becoming increasingly difficult to finance the system, for example, due to increased family immigration. “At some point, tens of thousands of people – because of their low level of education – will overload our social system and our infrastructure. “Everyone in Vienna is already feeling this, whether it’s through hours of waiting at clinics or lack of accommodation or staff at schools,” Mahrer said. An ultimatum from the ÖVP to City Councilor Hacker to enforce the Basic Social Welfare Act or reduce payments was passed unused. “They rejected this primarily due to legal concerns. However, according to the Constitutional Court and a new report, it is permissible to limit payments to the extent of basic provisions for those entitled to subsidiary protection,” Mahrer explained. In contrast to the FPÖ, the ÖVP’s argument for the no-confidence motion was not “shot from the hip”, but based on expertise and legal opinions. The social structure must be changed and excessive social benefits must be stopped, otherwise SPÖ and NEOS will be responsible for the burden of the infrastructure and the increase in crime in Vienna.

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GR Kurt Wagner (SPÖ) declared that the savings fund would “definitely not be used” for families in need – “You can’t convince us of this,” Wagner said in the direction of the ÖVP and FPÖ. Social benefits are not meant to balance budgets, but to help those in need. Victims need initial help and training places so that no one is left behind in social welfare; That is what the weapon provides. It is important to him that those entitled to subsidiary protection are treated equally with asylum seekers. Wagner also referred to the report as requiring a Supreme Court ruling on the issue. Wagner promised that all children in Vienna would have the same opportunities and the same support. Refugees must be quickly integrated into the labor market, Wagner demanded, so that they too can be integrated into society.

G.R. Eng. Udo Kugenbichler, MSc (FPÖ) Why Caritas and not the Volkshilfe decide who gets support from Wien Energy and who doesn’t? Kugenbichler criticized the idea that every child in Vienna is of the same value, as previous speaker Wagner had said, made absurd by cases like the “mass rape” of a minor. A lot of mistakes also happen in the health system in Vienna, for example, when appointing a doctor to a private practice, Kuchenbichler said. The ÖVP will criticize City Councilor Hacker for his behavior when paying social benefits, but the ÖVP state governor in Tyrol will act like City Councilor Hacker in Vienna. (cont.) nic

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