Florida visit: Netanyahu renews ties with Trump

Netanyahu said after his meeting with Trump that time will tell if they are now close to an agreement on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. There is movement in the talks, which could be attributed to Israel’s military pressure. He will send a team to Rome for further discussions.

CIA Director William Burns is scheduled to meet with senior Israeli, Qatari and Egyptian officials in Rome on Sunday, news site Axios previously reported. It’s about the hostages needed for the Gaza Strip and the cease-fire deal that needs to be brought to an end, Axios says, citing US and Israeli insiders.

“It wouldn’t have happened – no chance”

In an interview with Fox News before his visit to Florida, Trump asked Netanyahu to end the Gaza war “quickly.” Trump said that the October 7th Hamas massacre in Israel would not have taken place had he been president of the United States.

“You know, October 7 would never have happened. Had I been the President this would not have been possible. Iran would be bankrupt, Hamas or Hezbollah would have no money. It simply wouldn’t have happened – no chance,” the 78-year-old said.

Netanyahu before the US Congress

Netanyahu visited during the US election campaign

In the US, Democrats are rallying behind presumptive presidential candidate Kamala Harris. He has now welcomed the Prime Minister of Israel, who has met with Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Netanyahu has been in the United States for several days, where he addressed the US Congress on Wednesday and supported Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip. He was welcomed by US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

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In Congress, Netanyahu was greeted with applause and cheers by Trump’s Republicans, while Biden’s Democrats were clearly stymied. The relationship between Biden and Netanyahu has been strained in recent months after the US president repeatedly made critical comments about Israel’s conduct of the war.

Netanyahu reportedly arrived in Florida on Friday and requested a meeting. Biden could see the meeting as an insult. With the visit, Netanyahu is preparing for Trump’s victory in the US election in November. Even with the Republican Party, the relationship has not always been without friction, but Netanyahu is thought to expect less criticism of actions in Gaza from Trump than from Democrats. “We have a good relationship,” Trump said Friday.

Worship Trump

Netanyahu praised Trump several times in his speech on Wednesday. He detailed Trump’s achievements during his tenure as president from 2017 to 2021. He clearly exemplified the “Abrahamic covenants.” In 2020, under Trump’s mediation, the Emirates and Bahrain became the first Gulf states to sign an agreement to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I want to thank President Trump for everything he has done for Israel, recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, confronting Iranian aggression, recognizing Jerusalem as our capital, and moving the US embassy,” Netanyahu said.

Biden and Harris pushed for deals

Tensions again flared between Netanyahu and Democrats. This time, Biden pressed for a quick agreement on a ceasefire and the release of hostages. At the meeting at the White House, Biden urged “close the remaining gaps, close the deal quickly, bring the hostages home, and reach a permanent end to the Gaza war.”

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Harris, who is running for the Democratic nomination against Trump for the White House, made similar comments. “It’s time to get this deal done,” Harris said after his meeting with Netanyahu.

Harris and Biden expressed support for Israel during their meetings with Netanyahu. At the same time, they urged Netanyahu to increase humanitarian aid and improve civilian security in Gaza. “We cannot turn a blind eye to these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become ruthless in the face of adversity, and I will not remain silent,” Harris said.

Criticism of Harris from Israel

Their call to end the war was met with criticism in Israel. A government official said Harris’ comments were hoped not to be interpreted by Hamas as a sign of a rift between the United States and Israel, with a deal still a long way off.

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