The FPÖ decided on the federal list for the National Council elections

The FPÖ today approved its federal list for the National Council elections. Unsurprisingly, party leader Herbert Gicl is the leading candidate. However, the seats behind him are strictly occupied according to the zipper principle, so half the seats belong to women.

Second on the blue federal list behind Kickle is Susanne Furst, followed by Secretary General Christian Hafeneker. Four to ten places belong to Dagmar Belakovic, General Secretary Michael Schnetlitz, Barbara Kolm, Alexander Petchnik, Lisa Kubic, Club Director Norbert Nemeth and Rosa Ecker. Hubert Fuchs, Tina Berger and Walter Rosenkranz are also running, followed by former ORF presenter Marie Christine Giuliani, who currently works at “FPÖ-TV”.

Former ÖBB CFO Arnold Schieffer is listed after a career change. Places 16 to 20 are occupied by Mattun Bracher-Hilander, Wendelin Molser, Irene Eisenhut, current Lower Austrian FPÖ club boss Reinhard Teifel and Ricarda Berger.

Giggling: FPÖ is not a “male-dominated party”.

“I believe that we have the best offer not only in terms of content, but also in terms of personnel to achieve our goal,” commented FPÖ leader Kikl on his choice, which was confirmed by the federal executive committee in the morning.

All in all, the top 30 places on the list are designed according to the zipper principle. “The prejudice that the FPÖ is a male-dominated party is finally history in this federal list,” said Gikl.

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