Top NewsThe calm before the storm • News • Vienna Stock Exchange

The calm before the storm • News • Vienna Stock Exchange

Christian Sec. | Transfer Courier

Industry is concerned about location and is demanding solutions.

has been gradual in recent years Industrialization in Austria Observe, explains Industry Association (IV) to Börsen-Kurier. According to IV, the investments of Austrian companies abroad have doubled in recent years Investments in Austria have stagnated. “This development should be viewed with great concern, because less investment in Austria means less innovation, jobs, growth and prosperity in our country in the future,” IV said.

die Concerns are confirmed by OeNB figures. Net direct investments (corporate investments by Austrian investors abroad) were around 8.9 billion euros last year and more than twice the net direct investments of foreign companies in Austria. The Investment capital is therefore increasingly being brought out of Austria.

“More Sizes”

Even if you are a part of it Industrial companiesWith announcements of less investment in Austria as a destination in the future, that is the case Dissatisfaction with the developments is palpable. “The attractiveness of manufacturing in Austria has unfortunately declined in recent years,” says Andreas Glaser, CEO Balfinger. In any case, according to Klausner, new investments in Austria are “still balanced” compared to abroad. Major investments have been made in the Austrian locations with the technology center in Kostendorf, the Balfinger Campus and the Balfinger World.

To mechanical engineer andrites New investments in the manufacturing sector in Austria have been fairly stable and have averaged 7.7% of the Group’s total investments in recent years. “A solid value for a company that operates internationally in 40 countries,” Andritz’s CFO, Norbert Nettesheim, told Börsen-Kurier.

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Many problem areas

A core Glazer’s leverage to increase the attractiveness of the locationis Substantially reduce taxes and duties on wages and salaries. “So that work is worth it and the costs to companies are within manageable limits.” As an interest group, IV proposes a tax exemption for overtime and 5,000 euros in payments when switching to full-time work. In addition to regulatory frameworks, investments in skilled workers are also needed, says Glaser. Balfinger invests in this to protect his own offspring, but this commitment may not be enough. “We need politics to support this.”

die Too much bureaucracy However, it is also a thorn in the side for companies. “Unnecessary bureaucracy wastes time and money, stifles innovation and puts Austria at a disadvantage as a business destination,” explains Nettesheim. In particular, he refers to the free movement of workers, the inability to conclude free trade agreements and EU supply chain legislation. In this way, competitiveness is “deliberately weakened,” says Nettesheim.

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