For added security: Weather Radar Valluka will return data

After a lightning strike in 2017, the Valluga weather radar is expected to return detailed data in the fall of 2026.

  • For additional protection: Ministry of Finance and Science and State and State of TyrolVorarlberg provides around 3.77 million euros for reconstruction
  • Signed Joint Declaration of Intent: Protected (raw) data for Tyrol and Vorarlberg for the next ten years
  • The tender should be issued and the necessary works should be started soon

It is located almost 3,000 meters above sea level and is the only weather measuring instrument that records the precipitation conditions in the surrounding atmosphere in three dimensions and with high spatial and temporal resolution: the Valluga weather station in the Western Lactal Alps. On the highest mountain peak in the Arlberg region, it lies directly on the border between the two federal states of Tyrol and Vorarlberg. After a lightning strike in 2017, their operations were halted. However, data are urgently needed, especially for forecast accuracy of precipitation events in Western Austria. Thanks to initiatives by the Central and State Governments, operations can now resume in the future – the Valluga Weather Radar aims to feed back more informative data to weather models so that weather developments can be predicted more accurately. Finance Ministers presented today Friday Magnus BrunnerScience Minister Martin PolashekTyrol LH Anton Matt and Vorlberg LH Marcus Wallner Project at the foothills of the St. Anton range. A joint plan was also agreed in writing in the form of a joint declaration aimed at ensuring joint reconstruction and operation. Renovation is planned for fall 2026. Preparations will begin this spring.

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Severe Weather Events: Information Benefit from Valluga Data

LH Matil welcomed the collective unity: “From politics, I have been supporting the Valluga weather station: earlier weather data is available, better crisis and disaster management works in emergencies. As the state governor, I have finally been active in bringing the Valluga weather radar back into operation. Now with the cooperation of many authorities We have the solution. The need for this weather data for Tyrol and Vorarlberg – especially for a better prediction of natural phenomena – is undeniable, above all, weather phenomena are expected to increase due to climate changes. With the reconstruction of the Valluka weather radar, we have an additional tool that can obtain time based on information about Alpine weather: We can quickly identify weather changes and take necessary safety measures.” This is also a must for Vorarlberg LH Wallner emphasizes: “This joint venture is an important step forward for Vorarlberg. With the re-installation of the Valluka weather radar, we will be able to make more accurate forecasts in the future when extreme weather events such as heavy rain or hail are expected. This will not only make the work of the public authorities easier, but ultimately in Vorarlberg It benefits the entire population.

Preparatory work should be completed by spring 2025, with construction, commissioning and testing finally completed in summer and autumn 2026 following a call for tenders.

Investment in conservation and research and science

In terms of funding, the Federal Ministry of Science and Research is providing Geosphere Austria with 2.27 million euros for the renovation between 2024 and 2026. The states of Tyrol (900,000 euros) and Vorarlberg (600,000 euros) are also contributing to the reconstruction costs with a total of 1.5 million euros. It was also said that the federal states of Tyrol and Wörlberg will provide (raw) data recorded by weather radars for free for the next ten years as part of a joint agreement between the federal and state governments. Since its reactivation. “Financial resources that serve one thing above all else: greater protection for the population,” all participants today agreed.

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“Weather affects not only us personally and our personal safety, but all sectors of the economy. Farmers need accurate information about rainfall patterns and temperatures. The tourism industry benefits from accurate weather forecasts to provide an optimal experience for guests and minimize safety risks. In short: Companies that incorporate weather into their planning can improve their productivity. , can reduce costs and expand their sales and competitive advantages. The Ministry of Finance and Science and the states of Tyrol and Vorarlberg are providing around 3.77 million euros for the renovation. Every euro invested here is an investment in business space, security and research. It's money well spent and an investment in the future,” says Niti. Minister Brunner. Funding the operation of the Valluga weather radar represents an investment not only in security, but also in science and research, Science Minister Polashek emphasizes: “By planning and re-installing the weather radar in Valluga, we are creating the necessary infrastructure. Keep people alert and protect Tyrol and Vorarlberg in the best possible way from extreme weather events. Science provides data to predict future storms and react accordingly. I believe that with this important step, we can significantly increase the security of the people and critical infrastructure in the region, thus making a significant contribution to public services and the economic stability of the region.

A single radar site provides data such as 10,000 rain gauges

Briefly explained Andreas Schaffhauser, Scientific Director General of Geosphere Austria, the importance of the Valluka weather radar: “Weather radars display weather phenomena in three dimensions with high temporal and spatial resolution. Therefore, they are essential for warnings of heavy rain and snow events and severe thunderstorms. At Geosphere Austria, we integrate radar data into forecast and warning systems in real-time and provide targeted information to authorities, emergency organizations and the population. From a meteorological point of view, Valluka's radar location is optimal west of Austria. With the Valluka weather radar, we receive data such as 10,000 rain gauges distributed across the Vorarlberg and the Tyrolean Oberland.

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