A series of earthquakes rocked Austria

It shook again: The earth recently shook four times in Tyrol. That's how people experienced it.

Within days, many earthquakes hit the Tyrol. Friday for the fourth time. With a magnitude of 3.5, it is even stronger. According to the Austrian Seismological Service Geological Austria, it was clearly felt in the area of ​​the epicenter south of Wittring (District of Kitzbühel). Those on the site reported hearing rumblings and rumblings underground. Minor damage, such as cracks in the plaster, can occur with such thickness.



This is already the second earthquake in two consecutive nights, reports oe24.at. At X, formerly on Twitter, Earthquake News explains that earthquake sequences and swarms “can happen anywhere and at any scale.” But they can stop suddenly. There are tectonic causes and no signs of volcanism or human influence. Clearing heavy items from the top shelf is also recommended, as is avoiding walking on steep rock faces. However, the sequence length of earthquakes cannot be predicted.

The earthquakes scared many people, Geosphere Austria reports: “It was absolutely terrifying, the whole room shook,” writes a user sending information through the portal. Another person writes: “I was also excited because the box was shaking. It was clearly noticeable.” No major damage was done. It is only from strength 5, reports the “Frankfurter Rundschau”.

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