Climate Biennale: Vienna's Festival of Climate Futures

The 100-day art festival, which starts in April, aims to make climate-friendly Vienna tangible and noticeable.

Ween. Sitara Patirana and Claudius Schulz take almost two minutes to read the entire list: from Admiral Kino to Sukunftshof – more than 60 companies in Vienna offer a first glimpse of the rich program planned for Vienna's first Climate Biennale. .

The art festival, which focuses on climate change, will take place across the city for 100 days from April 5 to July 14 – and aims to make Vienna a “hub of creative ideas” for a sustainable future. We are not only in the middle of a climate crisis, but also in a “crisis of imagination,” said Vienna City Climate Councilor Jürgen Czernohersky (SPÖ) in a presentation at the festival program on Wednesday. No one can imagine what a climate-neutral world would look like. What Vienna can be, in spite of, or perhaps because of, “we do everything differently” and “a nice place to live.” You need art and culture for this, and this biennial festival starts this year.

What will the future look like?

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