Top News59. Vienna Municipal Council (6) | City of Vienna

59. Vienna Municipal Council (6) | City of Vienna

GR Maximilian Krauss, MA (FPÖ) criticized the fact that the WIENXtra association received enormous financial support of 9.5 million euros last year alone. But this money is badly spent and misused in many ways, says Krause. While this criticism has come from the city auditor’s office in the past, now additional funds are being pumped into the association. Additionally, there are staffing restrictions and unclear categories of individual programs that do not require much financial support. “In the programs organized by WIENXtra, there is no child-friendly treatment, but left-wing populist propaganda is carried out with the support of the ÖVP,” said Krause.

GRin Mag, MSc (NEOS) countered the previous speaker’s criticism. “Instead of rejecting everything because you don’t like the WIENXtra association, deal with the matter of postal items, the current file clearly shows why an increase in financial resources is needed.” In particular, it will expand the workshop offerings that can be booked by schools. Emmerling argued that the school should remain open. That is why each class has a specific allocation to fund external projects. “The FPÖ, on the other hand, wants to prevent children and young people from using educational opportunities such as nature parks, violent workshops or going to the theater,” criticized Emmerling.

GR Benjamin Schulz (SPÖ) stressed how important the association is for the city of Vienna and for the development of children and young people. Many clubs, organizations and institutions offer quality workshops to support the youth. A central element of WIENXtra is the Vienna Education Opportunity to provide equal opportunity to all. In the future, the new infrastructure will be used to create a web site where the offers will be clearly listed. Equal opportunities, inclusion and support for young Vienna are central, Schulz emphasized. The program’s focus is on growth and personal development in daily school life. “All children and young people in Vienna should have the same opportunities,” said Schulz. “We work every day to ensure the best education for young people in Vienna.”

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GR Maximilian Krauss, MA (FPÖ) spoke again. The FPÖ’s criticism is not against individual content or concessions, but rather against the implementation of funding via WIENXtra: “The City of Vienna does not need to intervene with an association specifically to implement funding,” criticized Krause. “The work can be carried out by municipal staff instead.”

Funding for the association WIENXtra, a young city project supporting children, youth and families for 2024 and 2025, was unanimously approved.

Funding for Wiener Multimillion Projects by 2025

GR Harald Zierfuß (ÖVP) said the current project is an important one. However, there were no statistics presented by him, specifically on suspensions or complaints in schools. “We believe that the euphoric report that violence in schools is decreasing is not true,” Zierfuß said. “For this reason, we are submitting a proposal so that all statistics are published again in a transparent manner. This is about a clear breakdown that must be boldly communicated to the public.

Grin Mag Stefanie Vasold (SPÖ) was annoyed that the previous speaker’s request had nothing to do with the actual mail item. Instead, it is one million euros, which will be given to non-profit associations and companies. Language development and social communication skills should be particularly encouraged. Also, it concerns questions about good cooperation in schools and educational opportunities, thus encouraging work with children and young people. “By 2024, we have submitted almost 30 projects under the title School Without Fear,” Wassolt said happily. “So we look forward to a sequel, and to the more exciting and good ideas that may arise from it.”

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GRin Mag Dolores Bakos, BA (NEOS) wanted to say that NEOS will always deal with violent crime clearly and transparently. But as for the ads, it’s about data that doesn’t go to the city council, but to the police and the public prosecutor’s office. According to Bagos, only the number of suspensions is recorded. Last year, the “Mutmillion” projects focused on the topic of fearless schools and misogynistic culture. They now want to continue this program and take action to support schools in promoting Germany, combating violence and other programs. “We have been vocal and pulled out all the stops to draw attention to how important it is to promote the German language, because here we need clear regulations from the federal government,” Bagos concluded.

Funding for Wiener multimillion projects in 2025 was unanimously approved. The opposition motions did not get the required majority. (Continued.) Sco

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