1967: Song Contest at the Hofburg

On April 8, 1967, the Song is a great gift First time in Austria. After Udo Jürgen’s victory a year earlier, the ORF was transformed into the Grand Festival Hall of the Vienna Hofburg as a song competition venue. The evening began with an orchestral performance by Wiener blood and waltz version Thank you dear . Moderator Erika Wall explained the rest of the process in six languages, apologizing to “the ladies and gentlemen of Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Portugal and Yugoslavia.” The song contest will once again be held in Austria.

1967 was the last time the song contest was broadcast in black and white, which was also reflected in the television commentary. ORF commentator Emil Kohlbacher added color information for viewers. They sang between the show and the moderator Vienna Boys singer Danube Waltz, during which the camera captures the ballroom’s imperial grandeur with double-headed eagles, frescoes and chandeliers. Earlier, Peter Horton – formerly of the choir – sang a song written by Karin Bogner. Why are there 100,000 stars? to Austria.

The Song is a great gift Sandy Shaw won at the Hofburg Puppet on a string to the United Kingdom. His shoeless appearance caused a sensation. Roman Schleiser wrote in Kronen Zeitung that Shaw was “a bare-footed reason for divorce.” In the 1980s, indie pop bands cited Smith Not only did they repeatedly use Shaw’s lyrics, they also appeared together on a BBC show in 1984. Top of the Pops: There the band performed barefoot while Sandy Shaw wore shoes.

Udo Jürgens returned to the song contest two years after winning in a different role: he composed the Czechoslovak singer Karel Gott’s song. 1000 windowsIn 1968 he fled to Austria – the year of the “Prague Spring”.

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